Why Get A Home Security System


Why Get A Home Security System

Investing in a home security system provides both security for your family and belongings and a sense of tranquility. Despite a steady decrease in property crime from 2011 to 2020, as reported by the FBI, it remains wise to safeguard your home. Modern home security systems offer more than just protection, as they come equipped with home automation capabilities that enhance convenience and promote energy conservation, resulting in potential cost savings. These additional features contribute to the appeal of these systems.

Here are the 5 Key Advantages of Security Systems

Safeguard for you and your loved ones


Efficient living

Insurance savings

Burglar deterrent


What are the Advantages of a Security System


A home security system's paramount concern is to safeguard your property and the people within it from the threats of burglary, home invasion, fire, and other unexpected events such as burst pipes. The presence of professional monitoring services ensures that your property is watched over even when you're not present or aware of a potential issue. In addition, they can offer assistance in medical emergencies. While investing in a security system may seem costly, it's important to consider what the cost could be not to mention the emotional toll it can take on you as victim.

The main objectives of a home security system are to safeguard the home and ensure the safety of the family. Apart from identifying potential break-ins, the security system is also designed to detect various other risks such as smoke, fire, carbon monoxide poisoning, and water damage.

Whether you choose to monitor the system yourself or opt for professional monitoring services, you will be informed of any potential dangers in your home, no matter where you are located.



By having a home security system in place, you can find comfort in the fact that your home is safeguarded, whether you're not at home or peacefully sleeping. Additionally, with internet-connected wireless security systems, you have the ability to monitor your home from any location around the globe.

With a top-notch security system that's monitored by professionals, you can have peace of mind knowing that emergency services will be alerted on your behalf if a smoke or flood sensor is triggered, regardless of whether you're at home, out and about, or catching some Z's. Just keep in mind that you'll need to invest in the security company's equipment to enjoy this added layer of protection, as professional monitoring of smoke and water sensors doesn't come standard and carries an extra fee.


Efficient living

Contemporary home security systems come equipped with automation features that not only provide an added layer of convenience, but also help reduce energy consumption. When paired with a security system, smart lights and thermostats can adjust their settings to optimize energy usage, while smart door locks and connected garage door openers offer a secure means of granting access to trusted individuals. These features combined help justify the additional cost of a security system, providing a cost-effective solution that enhances both safety and efficiency in the home.


Insurance savings

Homeowners can enjoy a discount on their insurance premiums ranging from 5% to 20% if they install a professionally monitored security system. The discounts are higher for systems that monitor environmental hazards such as fire, smoke, and water damage, in addition to intrusion monitoring. Although the discount won't cover the entire cost of a professional system, it will make it more affordable in the long run. Moreover, video footage from surveillance cameras can be useful when filing insurance claims.

Burglar Deterrent

A study by Professor Joe Kuhns of the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology at UNC Charlotte revealed that visible signs of a home security system, such as stickers, yard signs, and outdoor cameras, can effectively deter potential burglars. The study found that nearly 60% of burglars spend less than 24 hours planning their break-in, and 83% of them look for signs of an alarm system before attempting to break in. Additionally, more than half of the burglars surveyed stated that they would abandon their plans if they saw visible signs of an alarm system.

By installing a security system in your residence, you provide yourself with an additional level of protection from potential trespassers. Regardless of whether you are a tenant or a homeowner, you can reap the advantages that accompany having a security system. Take the time to examine different home security systems available in the nation and locate the ideal provider that caters to your specific security requirements and objectives.

This article is credited to Security System Gurus https://securitysystemgurus.com/.



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